
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
20. Interview with Mimi Cole about Values & OCD
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
This week I interview Mimi Cole about value. She can be found on Instagram or check out her podcast.
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
19. Interview with Eidit Choochage about Anxiety
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
This week I interview Eidit Choochage about Anxiety. She can be found on Instagram or on her website and check out her podcast.
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
18. Interview with Dr. Ivy Ruths on Perfectionism
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
This week I interview Dr. Ivy Ruths. She can be found on Instagram or on her website.
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsively Ruminating + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
17. Interview with Sheva Rajaee on R-OCD
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
This week I interview Sheva Rajaee to discuss R-OCD. She is the founder of The Center for Anxiety and OCD and you can find her website here and contact her center that specializes in OCD, BDD, BFRB's, and anxiety disorders in Irvine California.
We also referenced her book that will be coming out Spring of 2021 called Relationship OCD: A CBT-based Guide to Move Beyond Obsessive Doubt, Anxiety, and Fear of Commitment in Romantic Relationships.
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Monday Sep 07, 2020
16. Interview with Alegra Kastens about how you can recognize OCD
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
This week I interview Alegra Kastens to discuss how do you know it is OCD? She is an MFT and specializes in OCD, BDD, BFRB's, and anxiety disorders in Los Angeles. You can find her on instagram at obsessivelyeverafter or on her website .
She also referenced this article if you want to have a read.
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Monday Aug 24, 2020
15. Can OCD make you control your environment?
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
This week we talk about can OCD make a person control their environment?
The answer is YES!
Listen to find out how and take the challenge to evaluate what are your control strategies?
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Monday Aug 10, 2020
14. Interview with Chris Trondsen about what causes OCD
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
Interview with Chris Trondsen who is an OCD specialist and has OCD!
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
13. Relationship OCD (R OCD)
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
Let's talk about Relationship OCD!
Are you doing any of these things:
Checking to see if your partner is the one?
Checking if the relationship feels right?
Nitpicking your partners appearance or flaws?
Compulsively analyzing if your partner is a good fit? Are they passionate enough? Are they funny enough? And so on...
Are you accommodating your OCD by involving others by asking their opinions and you end up talking to several people only to end up more confused and uncertain?
Are you comparing your relationship to other relationships you think are ideal?
Are you compulsively reading books, article online in an attempt to figure this out and again only end up more confused or even bring more fuel to the already existing OCD fire and end up fighting with your partner?
This can happen in any relationships you have that includes friends, co-workers, intimate relationships, family and so on
The first thing to look for is are you compulsing especially mentally? This is where you must do some work! Interrupt your mental behavioral patterns! Episode 5 is about Compulsive Rumination (I suggest you have a listen!)
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Monday Jul 13, 2020
12. Dreams & OCD
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
Let's talk about dreams and OCD!
#1 Tip to help you: Response Prevention
Once you are awake (regardless if it is middle of the night from a dream or organically in the morning) and the OCD related dream tries to hook you in, slow down for a second and get clear on what you are doing. Are you doing ANY compulsions in ANY way?
Once you get your conscious awareness to the present moment, interrupt your mental rituals! And engage in behaviors that are opposite of your OCD urge. Break it down into smaller steps if you need too for example: 10 min timer to challenge avoidance seeking behaviors or reassurance seeking behaviors or wanting to look something up on line.
Repeat these steps often! And stay with your Response Prevention Self Talk for a while if you need to especially if you are having a harder OCD flare up. Your brain is a muscle and you have to keep practicing your new skills and reinforce them!
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California & specialize in OCD and Anxiety Disorders, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
11. Committed Action
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Learn all things OCD with the OCD Whisperer Podcast.
Let's talk about committed action and why it is important. There are some self-evaluation questions you need to ask yourself.
Self- evaluation questions:
Am I currently living my life in a way that is truly in alignment with my values in the context of my life?
Am I engaging in a range of behaviors that are connected to my deepest wishes and longings?
What am I currently doing? (1 min and 50 sec more q's)
What kind of life do I want to live?
How do I want to show up?
What is getting in the way of me taking committed action? What is it costing me?
IG @ocdwhisperer
Resources for OCD
eBk: How to Stop Compulsive Rumination + 30 day journal
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes. Though I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in California, this does not replace therapy.
See you in the next episode!
Keep going in the meantime.
*Episodes come out out bi-weekly.